jew's harp

old instrument, known in many countries

jew's harp

Jew's harp, humming iron, mouth harp, classic folk instrument, still popular today in the Alpine region, but also known in many other cultures, e.g. in Asia or Russia.

Many names exist for this small instrument.

A metal spoon is made to vibrate. If you hold the instrument in front of your mouth between your lips, the tones become loud because the mouth becomes the resonance body of the instrument.

The jew's harp has a very unique sound that has something primeval about it. The jew's harp is also a shamanic instrument.

The roots of this instrument can be traced back to pre-Christian times. Their origins are in Asia, Mongolia and Siberia.The South Asian jaw harps are built slightly differently than the European ones. They are made from a piece of sheet brass. The Danmoi from Vietnam has become known in this way.
In Europe, the jew harp is a popular folk instrument in the Alpine region, but also in Sicily and the Balkans.

Jew's harp

jew harp from austria, 3 sizes

This jews harps come from a small family manufactur in austria. Now the new style of jew harp is easier to play and learn.

Three sizes are available. The large jew harp has a deeper sound than the small.

Every jew harp is with instruction how to play.

small jew harp

medium jew harp

large jew harp


traditional jew's harp from Vietnam

Another form of the jews harp comes from Vietnam. Made from pure brass and especial slim.
Each one comes with a case from bamboo for security on travelling.
We offer them in small (light sound) and large (dark sound), and with a double tongue

Danmoi standard

Danmoi bass

Danmoi double tongue


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Tin Whistle

Die traditionelle Flöte aus Irland
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Durch den weiten Windkanal entsteht ein etwas rauchiger Ton.
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Tunigs G, F and E

made from plastic

Klangbeispiel doppelte Indianerflöte     

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A tuneable bodhran is available in the size of 46 cm.

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