
mallets for drums, gongs, singing bowls and more


different sticks or mallets, soft for gongs, with felt or leather, for shamane drumming or tipper for irish Bodhran

  • hard sticks
  • soft sticks
  • sticks for shamane drums

hard drumsticks

sticks for soldiers drums

turned thin drumsticks made out of hardwood.

drumstick for Davul

turned thick handled drumstick made out of hardwood.

simple drumstick

Made out of a wooden ball and round stick handle, these drumsticks are particularly suitable for children's drums.


Made from specially selected hardwoods (from fruit trees, olivewood etc.) these hard turned drumsticks are availabel in various lengths and shapes.

soft sticks

Material covered ends

This drumstick is covered in soft material and is available in 2 sizes;
as used with a Chinese tam-tam.

Felt drumstick

It has a bamboo handle and is designed for use with the shamane drum, but is also suitable for use with most other drums too.

cork sticks

Bamboo handle with a cork end covered in felt. They are harder than the felt drumsticks but softer than a wooden drumstick.

Sticks for shamane drum

We have different sticks for shamane drums:

  • Rattanstick mit felt - soft stick, deep soft sound
  • Rattanstick with rubber head, covered with leather - relativ hard stick, swinging handle with heavy head
  • Rattanstick with head from leather - medium soft stick, light handling

Unsere Empfehlung


The tambourine is well known in many countries and is popularly used as an integral part of a dance, eg: belly dancing or Spanish flamenco. You don't however have to dance to enjoy this instrument. It is an easy-to-learn accompanying instrument.

We offer tambourins from India.
The bells of this tambourin are made from good quality metal and have a brillinat sound.
The skin is natural goat skin.
The frame is black painted.
5 different sizes from 16, 18, 20, 22 and 25 cm diameter

rhythm instruments >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

small frame drum

This small frame drum is made like the gong drum. A light frame drum with a narrow frame and fine goat skin.

Good for simple rhythm and early musical education for children.

Or as a small, handy shaman's drum.

With a felt mallet

For children we also offer the children's drum or the small marching drum.

shaman drum >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

Zen singing bowl from Japan

singing bowls from Japan with a clear, light long swinging sound.
Traditional beated with a wooden stick.
Also you can rubb at the top border.and you will get a spheric harmony sound.
This xinging bowls are used for meditations and concerts.

We have following sizes: 69, 78, 97, 119 and 134 mm diameter.
every singing bowls comes with a stick and a cushion.

singing bowls >>>