

making of ocarina, making of boneflutes, making of drums: Davul, soldier-drums, shamanic frame drums

Ton in Ton is not just trading ininstruments, we manufacture some of the instruments offered here in our own workshop.

In addition to the ocarina and bone flutes, we have a drum building workshop Davul, march or mercenary drums and shamanic frame drums are made here.

Furthermore, chalumeaux, a clarinet predecessor, are creatid on the drilling machine.

Here you can take a look at our workshop.





Unsere Empfehlung

Sticks for shamane drum

We have different sticks for shamane drums:

  • Rattanstick mit felt - soft stick, deep soft sound
  • Rattanstick with rubber head, covered with leather - relativ hard stick, swinging handle with heavy head
  • Rattanstick with head from leather - medium soft stick, light handling

sticks >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

travers flute made from reed

Simple Travers-flute made from reed, in same intonation like the Tin-Whistle or the irish Travers-flute with 6 holes. fingering
tuneabel about two octaves.
Made for beginning of travers flute playing or for traditional music.
In different intonations from high Sol up to the low Re.
high intonations: Sol, Fa#, Fa, Mi, Re#, Re, Do#, Do, Si and Sib
low intonations: La, Sol#, Sol, Fa, Mi and Re

The large flutes are a little bit difficult of fingering and they are not playable with small hands.

travers flute, panflute >>>

Unsere Empfehlung


Another form of the jews harp comes from Vietnam. Made from pure brass and especial slim.
Each one comes with a case from bamboo for security on travelling.
We offer them in small (light sound) and large (dark sound), and with a double tongue

jews harp >>>