Tin Whistle etc

reed flutes, tin whistle

Tin Whistle etc

A simple recorder made of reed with 6 finger holes is common in many cultures on several continents. Whether Indonesia, India, Africa or South America, there is always a kind of recorder that corresponds to the 6-hole pattern. These flutes only have 6 finger holes and no thumb hole (the well-known school recorder has 7 finger holes and one thumb hole).

With the 6 holes all notes of an octave can be played. If you then blow a little harder into the flute, it overblows and the higher notes of the second octave sound. Thus, these flutes can usually be played over two octaves.

In contrast to the standard recorder, which can also play the intermediate tones or semitones, this is only possible to a limited extent with the 6-hole recorder. You can grasp some semitones well, so that you can play both major and minor scales with a flute and also two or three different keys. For other keys, additional flutes are needed that are tuned to a different keynote. Therefore these flutes are available in many different tunings.

Even if the 6-hole flutes have been handed down for a long time, one variant made it into a celebrity at the beginning of modern times: the Irish tin whistle. With the beginning of industrialization, the popular small flutes made of sheet metal could be mass-produced and cheaply produced. So anyone could actually afford such a flute for a penny, hence the name “Pennywhistle”, which is why it was very popular. The tin whistle is known with its high notes from traditional Irish music, in lower variants also as low whistle.

reed flutes

Simple reed flutes as recorders in many different pitches. Fingering like the tin whistle with 6 finger holes.

A flute from India cut from a piece of reed. According to a traditional tuning, it has only six finger holes and can therefore be played just like the tin-whistle. A good alternative to the tin-whistle with a slightly smokier and warmer sound.
The large flutes with a low pitch are a particularly favourable alternative to the low-whistle.

In addition to the recorders, reed flutes of the same type are also available as traverse flutes.

We offer the following keys for recorders and flutes:
high register in g (21 cm long), f sharp, f, e, d sharp, d (29 cm long), c sharp, c (33 cm long), b and b flat
low register in a, g sharp, G (43 cm), F and E (54 cm).

The low flutes from tuning G upwards take some practice in terms of fingering and are difficult or impossible to play with small hands.

These simple flutes are quite cleanly tuned, but the fundamental tone can deviate by up to a quarter tone.


reed flute recorder in C

reedflute recorder in high E

reedflute recorder in A

Tin Whistle

Clark's tin whistle in the keys C or D. Also known as the penny whistle.

The traditional flute from Ireland
At the time of industrialisation, simple tin whistles were created in England and Ireland, which were produced in large numbers and were therefore affordable for the common people. This is why they were given the name penny-whistle.

We offer the tin-whistle from the Clarke company, which is made of tin and has a wooden peg as a mouthpiece.
The wide windway produces a slightly smoky tone.
It is painted black and available in "C" or "D" tuning.

Tin Whistle scale

Tin whistle Melody

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