Ocarina etc

Ocarina and bone flute

Ocarina etc


We manufacture our clay flutes entirely by hand from fine white ceramic mass. This flutes playing one octave with all have notes or pentatonic

The ocarina is a small clay flute with a recorder mouthpiece.

Clay flutes have been known for several thousand years. Usually they were just simple pipes with 1 to 3 tones. They had a protective character and were used as talismans. Newborns and unbaptized children were given a clay pipe to protect them from evil spirits. Ultimately, bird figures on the chimney or the bird-like handle on the lid of a soup tureen can also be traced back to a pipe that was supposed to protect the house or the food from evil influences. Often these pipes were shaped like animals, mostly as birds or roosters, but also as horses, bulls, owls and much more.

The pipes were used as children's toys for a long time and were popular at festivals and fairs. Mostly bird calls were imitated. The clay flute did not develop as a real flute until the last century. An Italian potter formed a flute out of clay, the shape of which was held transversely and had a beak as a mouthpiece. This shape made the flute look a bit like a little duck, which in Italian means ocarina. This is how the clay flutes got their name, which then became internationally accepted.

Today there are many forms and variants of the ocarina. The number of finger holes, the fingerings and the range can vary widely. There are single-part flutes, but also two- and three-part flutes. There are small ones with a high tone and large ones with a very deep tone. The ocarina became known and popular again in the 1990s through the computer game Zelda.
As a flute, the ocarina belongs to the vessel flutes. Vessel flutes do not have a tube open at the bottom like most other flutes, but a ball-like closed vessel. Even if the mouthpiece is the same as that of a recorder, the shape of the vessel creates a different vibration and the sound is softer, not as shrill and deeper than one would assume based on the size of the flute.

We manufacture our clay flutes entirely by hand from fine white ceramic mass. So with every flute you have a unique piece in your hands.
After shaping and designing with glass and glaze raw materials, the flute is tuned chromatically with six finger holes and covers the range of an octave. The different sizes create flutes in all imaginable basic moods.

The firing temperature of over 1100 degrees Celsius gives it enough strength to withstand the occasional blows caused by wearing it without losing quality. The dimensions of the flutes are around 25 mm for the smallest ones up to a flute of 100 mm diameter that is barely tangible.
The flute always comes with a leather cord to hang around your neck, as well as instructions with fingering chart for the clay flute and further information about the manufacture of the clay flute and the history of the clay flute.

Die Brenntemperatur von über 1100 Grad Celsius gibt ihr genügend Festigkeit, durch das Tragen verursachte gelegentliche Schläge wegzustecken, ohne an Qualität zu verlieren. Die Maße der Flöten liegen bei cirka 25 mm für die Kleinste bis hinauf zu einer gerade noch greifbaren Flöte von 100 mm Durchmesser.
Zur Flöte gehört stets die Lederschnur zum Umhängen sowie eine Spielanleitung mit Grifftabelle und weiteren Informationen über Herstellung und Geschichte der Tonflöte.

Notenbuch zur Tonflöte - music-book for ocarina

In result of many demand for music for the ocarina, we made ourself a small music-book. It is a collection of 64 melodies from middelages and Renaissance, from easy to more difficult melodies of dances and songs, which are specially prepared for the ocarina.

bone flutes

bone-flutes are known since stoneage and it is the oldest known music instrument. This flutes are made like a recorder, it is medieval style of bone flutes.

Rather uncommon but similar to the idea of the clay flute, the body of the flute is a hollow bone. Bone flutes have been produced for thousands of years.
Our flutes are made to a large extent from sheep and goat bones. The natural density of each bone produces each flute's unique tone. Rare pieces are made from stag bones. Such pieces are only sometimes available.
Special orders can be taken.

If you want to see and know more about bone-flutes please look at www.knochenfloeten.de

Hier finden Sie auch das aktuelle Angebot an Knochenflöten.

Unsere Empfehlung

Weepipe - medieval smallpipe

The weepipe is made in the same workshop like the Medieval-chanter and is compatible to it. Even it is the quiet Medieval-bagpipe.
Like the noisy Medieval-bagpipes tuned in a-flat.
The pipes are made from black plastic, the bag is leather.
If you just have the Medieval-chanter, and you want to learn now to play the bagpipe, so the bagpipe is available without the chanter.

We also offer the "Sackpfeifenfibel", a practice book for this bagpipe.

bagpipe >>>

Unsere Empfehlung


That is a special Tabor-pipe from Katalonien/ Espagna.
It has not 3 holes but 7 holes.
The left hand plays with three fingers the holes on the front and with thumb and the small finger two holes on the backside. .
The right hand plays the three holes downstairs for the deep notes.
So you can play two full octaves at this flute.
The Flaviol is made from Bubinga.

tabor pipe, overtoneflute >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

Hapi Mini

A smaller version of the hapi in a higher pitch ( about 20 cm in diameter ).

8 notes pentatonic

in C major (C - D - E - G - A - C - D - E) or

D-major (D - E - F# - A - B - C - D - E - F#) or

D-akebono (D - E - F - A - B - D - E - F)

Especially exciting here is the D-akebono tuning, which builds up a very exciting sound in the high register.

Bag and mallet included

Hapi-drum >>>