
like a kantele or harp, for every note is one string


the melody harp is played like a zither, under the strings you can put a sheet with points, so it is easy to play a melody.




A children harp.
A simple plucked instrument, played like a zither on a table.
It has 5 written melodies, which are put under the strings.
The simple notation is easy to learn, even will play soon the melodies..
It has 2 Octaves from G to G.

inclusive a tuning key

Unsere Empfehlung


The Bawu is a traditional chinese wind-instrument

This instrument is mad efrom bamboo, the sound comes from a metal tongue. This metal tongue is like the mtongues of a mouthharp. The sound is soft humming. The notes and melodies are played by six finger holes.

To play the Bawu you keep it like a travers flute. Simple you just blow through the metal tongue. The oral cavity should be like a air-chamber, and blow even and medium strong. The technic is similar to the Hulusi . So what at the Hulusi is the gourd, here it is your mouth.

At chinese wind-instruments the tonality is signed at the third hole. That means a flute in chinese F has the deepest note C, so it plays in C-major.

We offer the Bawu in two tonalities:

  • chinese G (sol), deepest note D (d-major/e-minor)
  • chinese F(fa), deepest note C (c-major/d-minor)

The Bawu has two parts and the head is designed with chinese poems.

To the Bawu belongs a chinese luck-knot and a hardcase.

Fingering charts:

chinese wind instruments >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

Tabor Pipe

The Tabor pipe has just 3 holes, in spit of this you can play one octave.
You hold the flute on the lower end with ring-finger and little-finger. Forefinger, middle finger and thumb play on the three holes.
You can play the differnt notes with different pressure of breath.
If you close all holes you can play four different notes by different pressure:
Base note
1 . overtone, octave
2. overtone, quint
3. overtone, 2. Ooctave.
The notes inbetween for playing an octave you have different fingerings.
fingering chart

This flutes are made from reed, tonality La (A).

sound example tabor pipe    


tabor pipe, overtoneflute >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

Hapi drum slim

The Hapi slim is very popular in the tuning A minor. In this key it has a very balanced sound. Also, the key of A minor fits well with medieval and traditional music.

A little lower is the tuning in F major. The major pentatonic seems a bit more cheerful than the melancholic minor pentatonic.

A minor A - C - D - E - G - A - C - D

F major F - G - A - C - D - F - G - A

Each hapi comes with two mallets and a bag

Hapi-drum >>>