our workshop
In the 70th years it started with Ocarinas, now we are not making only ocarina at our atelier, we also making Chalumeau or boneflutes. We produce different drums, large Davul small soldier drums and shamanic drums.
music instruments from all over the world
Over the years we have added some unusual and less well-known musical instruments to our range ...
There are many different musical instruments to discover around the world. The variety of sounds on wind instruments is always fascinating. A Chinese traverse flute, the dizi, sounds very different from an Irish traverse flute, an ocarina sounds different from a usual recorder, and a native indian flute sounds different from the Irish tin whistle. But also with drums and string instruments there are many variants and tonal differences as at the percussion instruments. The bright sound of the cymbal, the deep sound of a drum, rattles in different variations, or even just the sound frogs with their frog concert.

Ton in Ton - frame drum
The frame is made from glued rings of plywood. On this frame the goat skin will be sewed. This drum is tuneable by small screws in the frame. The screws press the last ring, which is not glued, against the skin. So you can stretch or release the skin.
For easy carrying, there's a handle on the back.
The drums is streched with natural skin and only shaved on the drumming space. On the frame are still hair.
Oversized skins on the borders can kept for order.
The drum is covered with natural goat skins, which are only shaved on the drum surface. The hair remains on the edge of the drum.

travel guitar
A 6 string guitar with small body.
The tuning is like a guitar, even the body is smaller, so it is best for travelling.
The soft steel strings compensate for the small resonance body.
With A strong bag, to carry in Hand or at the back.

children drum
A small drum made from wood, painted colourful and with nature skins.
The nature skin has a smooth sound and becomes even at hard beating not obtrusive.
We offer two sizes 20 cm and 25 cm in diameter
A carrying strip and two sticks are included.