tabor pipe, overtoneflute

tabor Pipe, one-hand flute, flaviol, overtoneflute

tabor pipe, overtoneflute

The cylindrical flutes made of reed can be blown over very well due to their design. So you can e.g. on the lowest note, when all finger holes are closed, play at least 4 different notes by blowing differently into the flute. This is how the overtones are created on the fundamental.

The one-handed flute makes use of this property.

The overtone series is built up in such a way that a fifth, i.e. a five-tone interval, lies between the second and the third overblown tone. Three tones of the scale are skipped. To compensate for this, the one-hand flute has 3 finger holes. Two for the index and middle fingers on the top and a hole for the thumb on the bottom. The flute can be held on the foot between the ring finger and the little finger. By further overblowing, a total of one octave, sometimes also the ninth, one note more, can be played.

In the Middle Ages, when the minstrel was often a solo musician and was supposed to play for dancing, this flute was ideal because you can hit a rhythm with your free hand at the same time as the flute.

If you do without these 3 finger holes you have an overtone flute. This only plays the overtones on the fundamental. Whereby closing the flute at the lower end can produce intermediate tones. Overtone flutes are played as rhythmic accompaniment and in improvisations.

Tabor Pipe

The tabor pipe has just 3 fingerholes, so it is possible to play it with one hand. With different prssure you can play one octave

The Tabor pipe has just 3 holes, in spit of this you can play one octave.
You hold the flute on the lower end with ring-finger and little-finger. Forefinger, middle finger and thumb play on the three holes.
You can play the differnt notes with different pressure of breath.
If you close all holes you can play four different notes by different pressure:
Base note
1 . overtone, octave
2. overtone, quint
3. overtone, 2. Ooctave.
The notes inbetween for playing an octave you have different fingerings.
fingering chart

This flutes are made from reed, tonality La (A).

sound example tabor pipe    


melodies for the tabor pipe

We are offering for the tabor pipe a songbook with 40 melodies. children songs, dances, traditional melodies and christmas songs exspecially prepared for the tabor pipe.



That is a special Tabor-pipe from Katalonien/ Espagna.
It has not 3 holes but 7 holes.
The left hand plays with three fingers the holes on the front and with thumb and the small finger two holes on the backside. .
The right hand plays the three holes downstairs for the deep notes.
So you can play two full octaves at this flute.
The Flaviol is made from Bubinga.


The overtone flute has no fingerholes, sound changes by pressure and open or closing the flute. It play natural harmony scale, good for improvisation

The harmony-flutes have a mouthpiece like a recorder, but no holes for the fingers.
different notes are played by different pressure of breath.
So you can play different overnotes of the base note.
Even you can change the note by closing the tube. So you can play trills.
We offer the harmony-flutes in 4 different tunes: Fa, Re, Do and Sol.
The biggest flute in Sol with ca. 80 cm length needs a long arm..

sound example overtone flute    


Unsere Empfehlung


The Sansula is a thumb-piano, also called Kalimba. But here it is fixed on a drumskin.
Because this the instrument become a lot of resonance.
The Sansula is pentatonic tuned in a-minor.
Because the pentatonic tuning it is dreamfull and intuitv to play..

Kalimba >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

Zen singing bowl from Japan

singing bowls from Japan with a clear, light long swinging sound.
Traditional beated with a wooden stick.
Also you can rubb at the top border.and you will get a spheric harmony sound.
This xinging bowls are used for meditations and concerts.

We have following sizes: 69, 78, 97, 119 and 134 mm diameter.
every singing bowls comes with a stick and a cushion.

singing bowls >>>

Unsere Empfehlung


The harmony-flutes have a mouthpiece like a recorder, but no holes for the fingers.
different notes are played by different pressure of breath.
So you can play different overnotes of the base note.
Even you can change the note by closing the tube. So you can play trills.
We offer the harmony-flutes in 4 different tunes: Fa, Re, Do and Sol.
The biggest flute in Sol with ca. 80 cm length needs a long arm..

sound example overtone flute    


tabor pipe, overtoneflute >>>